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Sve Suo Eng

The shareholders of Karnell Group AB (publ), org. no. 559043-3214, have been called to the annual general meeting on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 10:00 am at Sturegatan 15 in Stockholm. Registration for the annual general meeting begins at 9:30 am.

Shareholders who wish to participate in the annual general meeting must be entered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on the record date of Wednesday, April 26, 2023, and notify their intention to participate in the annual general meeting no later than Friday, April 28, 2023, in accordance with the instructions in the notice.

The complete notice has been published in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and is available on the company’s website. The notice is sent free of charge to shareholders who request it and provide their postal or e-mail address.

See the attached Notice and power of attorney.

Stockholm in April 2023
Karnell Group AB (publ)
The Board of Directors