The Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee makes proposals in such a way that the Annual General Meeting can pass resolutions.
At Karnell’s Extra General Meeting on September 5, 2023, an instruction for the composition and work of the Nomination Committee within the company was adopted. According to the Instruction for the Nomination Committee, the Nomination Committee shall consist of at least three and a maximum of four members. In September, the Chairman of the Board shall contact the three largest shareholders in terms of votes in the company as of the last banking day in August regarding the composition of the Nomination Committee.
According to the instruction, the Nomination Committee submit proposals to the Annual General Meeting on, among other things, the number of Board Members and the composition of the Board, including the Chairman of the Board, as well as proposals on board remuneration, divided between the Chairman and other members, and any remuneration for committee work. The Nomination Committee shall also submit proposals for the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting, the election of Auditors and their fees, and proposals for amendments to the the Instruction for the Nomination Committee (when applicable).
The nomination committee ahead of the annual general meeting 2025 consists of:
- Mattias Klintemar, appointed by Östersjöstiftelsen,
- Christian Karlander, appointed by Borgviks Bruk AB,
- Per Nordgren, appointed by PN Verksamhetsutveckling AB, and
- Patrik Rignell, chairman of the board of directors in Karnell.
Mattias Klintemar has been appointed as chairman of the nomination committee.
Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the nomination committee can contact the committee by e-mail to or by mail to Karnell Group AB (publ), At: the nomination committee, Riddargatan 13 D, SE-114 51 Stockholm, Sweden. In order for the nomination committee to constructively be able to address proposals received, proposals must have been received no later than 31 January 2025.