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Sustainability is an important part of our work as a long-term owner

We believe that companies that integrate sustainability into their strategy strengthen their competitiveness and are better equipped for the future.

For Karnell, a long-term and responsible strategy is an important part of the investment process and is an integral part of the business plan in the portfolio companies. This means that we actively work with sustainability in all from evaluation of potential investments to the development of the business.

We continuously evaluate acquisition opportunities where sustainability plays a central role from the start of the process. To successfully achieve our strategy of investing in companies that either conduct a sustainable business or possess an inherent potential to do so in the near future, potential acquisition opportunities are evaluated not only based on our investment criteria but also our restrictions. The restrictions include, among other things, that we ignore acquisition opportunities that risk violating international conventions and guidelines, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In addition to this, an assessment is also made of both sector-specific and general risks and opportunities with sustainability in mind. Furthermore, we have chosen not to pursue opportunities with sales stemming from weapons, gambling, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, fossil fuels, as well as activities with illegal economic activities or questionable moral activities.

We continuously strive to develop our companies from a sustainability perspective and in 2021 we specified our expectations for each company’s integration of sustainability. We also developed an ESG policy for the portfolio companies, including mandatory guidelines that each company must follow. Our policies and guidelines aim to clarify our approach and guidelines in sustainability that will affect all our employees in both the parent company and in the subsidiaries.

Karnell’s focus-areas within sustainability

Karnell supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals with a particular focus on Goal 13: Climate action; Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth; Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions; Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production.

“Karnell makes a long-term commitment when we invest”

Petter Moldenius, CEO AT Karnell

Karnell’s framework for responsible ownership and sustainable business practices

Karnell strives to have a holistic view on sustainability throughout the group and our framework for responsible ownership and sustainable business practices are based on our common focus areas within ESG.


Karnell strives to reduce climate and environmental impact by taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, minimise energy consumption and maximise the use of recyclable inputs. We also want to phase out the use of fossil fuels and other products that have a negative environmental impact.

Social Aspects

Karnell strives for a good and safe working environment, with decent working conditions, in order to retain and develop the employees as well as attract new employees. Furthermore, Karnell promotes diversity and has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination. 

Corporate Governance

Karnell advocates high business ethics and proactive work to prevent corruption. There shall be targeted sustainability plans that are integrated into the portfolio companies’ governance models, as well as effective control mechanisms such as a whistleblowing function at the Group level.

Policy documents and reports


We strive to maintain a transparent business climate

Karnell strives to maintain a transparent business environment and we therefore see a need for our stakeholders to be able to communicate with us via a whistleblowing function if it is discovered that we and/or the portfolio companies are acting improperly in violation of laws, rules and guidelines set. Reporting irregularities allows Karnell to correct wrongdoing and prevent it from happening again. The reporting is anonymous and is done through an external party.

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