The external audit of Karnell’s annual accounts, accounting records and administration by the Board and the Group Management, is conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The external auditors attend at least two board meetings per year. On at least one of these occasions, the Auditors shall hold discussions with the Board without the CEO or any other member of the Group Management present. The Auditors are elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve until the end of the next AGM. The registered auditing firm Ernst & Young AB (“EY”) has been Karnell’s auditor since 2016. At the 2024 AGM, the registered auditing company EY was re-elected as auditor. The authorized public accountant Michaela Nilsson was appointed as auditor in charge for the audit. Michaela Nilsson is an authorized public accountant and member of FAR, the institute for the accountancy profession in Sweden. EY’s office address is Hamngatan 26, 111 47 Stockholm, Sweden.