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Tervetuloa Karnellin sijoitussivuun

Investointi Karnelliin mahdollistaa altistumisen pohjoismaisille listaamattomille teollisuusteknologiayrityksille, joilla on markkinoilla johtava asema ja vahva kasvupotentiaali.

Uutiset & Lehdistötiedotteet


Karnell Group AB (publ) today on 22 August 2023 published a notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting on 5 September 2023. The following is a correction of the previous notice that contained a typo. The corrigendum concerns the amount of the proposed...
Karnell Group AB (publ) ("Karnell" or the "Company") will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting on Tuesday 5 September 2023 at 10.00 a.m. CET at Advokatfirman Cederquist's premises, Hovslagargatan 3, Stockholm. Registration begins...
Karnell Group AB (publ) (“Karnell”) has appointed Lars Neret as new CFO replacing Cecilia Hed. Lars Neret currently has the role as IPO consultant at Yubico AB and will assume his new role at Karnell in the beginning of September 2023. Lars...
Karnell Group AB (publ) publishes today the annual report for 2022 on www.karnell.se Attachments KARNELL GROUP AB (PUBL) PUBLISHES THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2022. Karnell Group AB (publ) 2022
Karnell’s Sustainability Report for the fiscal year 2022 has today been published on the website, www.karnell.se. ”This is the second time that Karnell publishes a Sustainability Report. During the year, we have continued our acquisition strategy...
Karnell Group AB (publ) ("Karnell" or the "Company"), a long-term and active owner of Nordic industrial technology companies, today announces the completion of a successful capital raise amounting to approximately SEK 160 million...
On January 27, 2023, Karnell’s subsidiary Timeka Finland Oy signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Suomen Tekniikkapalvelu Oy (www.suomentekniikkapalvelu.fi). The closing of the transaction is planned for January 31, 2023. Timeka Finland Oy’s...
Karnell’s subsidiary Rotomon Oy has successfully completed an asset transaction with RoadPipe Suomi Oy (www.roadpipe.fi) on 29 December 2022. RoadPipe’s competences in the design and production of chambers, pumping stations and separators...


On 22 September 2022, Karnell has signed an agreement to acquire the majority of the shares in Konepaja Timeka Oy (www.timeka.fi). Karnell will under this agreement acquire 96% of the shares, closing is planned on 30 September 2022. Karnell’s plan...
Karnell has on 31 March 2022, acquired a majority of the shares in Drivex AB (www.drivex.se). Drivex develops and manufactures attachments primarily for wheel loaders and had sales of 136 MSEK in 2021 with EBITA of 15 MSEK. The company’s existing...
2022-02-03 / 11:00 Karnell launches new website



Through the investment company K4 Sweden AB, Karnell has acquired the majority of the shares in Vebe Teknik AB. Vebe manufactures and develops the market's most efficient solutions for bag filling systems for the food, chemical and feed industry...


The investment company K4 Sweden AB, Karnell, has acquired the majority of the shares in Re-board Technology AB. The company manufactures and markets internationally an environmentally friendly and unique board material based on cardboard. The company...
The investment company K4 Sweden AB, Karnell, has acquired the majority of the shares in Re-board Technology AB. The company manufactures and markets internationally an environmentally friendly and unique board material based on cardboard. The company...


Karnell has on 31 March 2022, acquired a majority of the shares in Drivex AB (www.drivex.se). Drivex develops and manufactures attachments primarily for wheel loaders and had sales of 136 MSEK in 2021 with EBITA of 15 MSEK. The company’s existing...
2022-02-03 / 11:00 Karnell launches new website



Through the investment company K4 Sweden AB, Karnell has acquired the majority of the shares in Vebe Teknik AB. Vebe manufactures and develops the market's most efficient solutions for bag filling systems for the food, chemical and feed industry...


The investment company K4 Sweden AB, Karnell, has acquired the majority of the shares in Re-board Technology AB. The company manufactures and markets internationally an environmentally friendly and unique board material based on cardboard. The company...
The investment company K4 Sweden AB, Karnell, has acquired the majority of the shares in Re-board Technology AB. The company manufactures and markets internationally an environmentally friendly and unique board material based on cardboard. The company...

”Rakennamme johtavia teknologia- ja teollisuusyrityksiä”

– Petter Moldenius, toimitusjohtaja, Karnell

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Petter Moldenius


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